2023 – It’s a wrap!

2023 was a big year for all of us.  A federal election, the Voice referendum, Covid never quite going away, funding constraints as well as whatever is happening in your local area, work, family and home.

Everyday, the committed and dedicated staff at CEH respond brilliantly to each challenge. We can’t do this alone and thank each of you for your support, collaboration and contribution to improving multicultural health in Australia.

In that context, it has been another great year of education and collaboration for CEH. Some highlights include:

  • attracting funding to continue our important work in Health Translations for a further 4 years
  • working with Health Leader TV and produce a CEH promotional video to showcase our work and reach a broader audience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv7ViAMbRbA&t=1s
  • contributing to discussions on multicultural health and representing CEH at the National Multicultural Health and Wellbeing Conference in November
  • supporting the Australian National Multicultural Health Collaborative through participation in the Coordination Group
  • launch of both organisational and individual tools to support culturally competent practice
  • providing 90 community education sessions to 1960 participants and improving the understanding of viral hepatitis and sexual health
  • releasing a new eLearning module on trauma informed care
  • engaging 2,017 individuals from more than 50 organizations via workshops, e-learning and webinars
  • plus the usual projects, resource development and advice to agencies.

We hope you all enjoy a well-deserved break, have a safe and happy festive season and look forward to seeing you again in 2024.

Bernice Murphy
CEH Manager