An increased intake, a better response: addressing the health needs of greater numbers of refugees and asylum seekers

The Multicultural Sexual Health Network (MSHN) was launched on the 23rd of April 2013 by Georgie Crozier, MLC Parliamentary Secretary for Health.

The launch forum brought together over 80 professionals working across government, university, service sector, and multicultural, ethno-specific and religious organisations.

The forum focused on how the service sector could best address the needs of refugees and asylum seekers particularly given the significant increase in humanitarian intake announced in August 2012.

The speakers included: Georgie Crozier, MLC, Parliamentary Secretary for Health and Member for Southern Metropolitan Region in the Legislative Council, Marissa Whight, Acting Manager of Humanitarian Settlement Program at the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Celia McMichael, Lecturer and Research Fellow, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, La Trobe University and Ambi Kaur, Refugee Health Nurse from Doutta Galla Community Health.

Read a full summary of the ‘an increased intake, a better response: addressing the health needs of greater numbers of refugees and asylum seekers’ MSHN Report. 

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