Demographic data – find out more about specific communities

The following is a selection of resources that are available online.  For a more comprehensive list including books and journal articles please search our library catalogue or contact Sabina Tresise, Information Services Coordinator, via phone: 03 9418 9925 or email:  




Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 

The ABS provides the most comprehensive statistics on Australia’s population and a wide range of social and economic matters.

CALD Youth Census Report

The CALD Youth Census Report 2014, uses the latest Australian Census data to shine a light on key issues for the culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) youth population in Australia and where those issues are most likely to be felt, Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY).

Country Profiles 

 These Country Profiles bring together a whole of country perspective on permanent and temporary migrant inflow and outflow and provide relevant information, including key statistical data, on the different types of visa categories. These profiles also include key findings relating to occupation, demographic and emigration trends. The profiles are available for the top 10 countries of birth, Department of Immigration and Citizenship, last viewed October 2014.

Department of Immigration and Citizenship (diac) Settlement Database

The settlement database allows you to find out where newly newly-arrived communities are intending to settle upon arrival, particularly those settled in Australia since the last census.

Explore Your City

Explore your City (Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Darwin and Palmerston, Canberra, Adelaide, Hobart, Brisbane), Incorporating eight easy-to-read chapters with colour thematic maps and insightful commentary on the 2006 Census, last viewed October 2014, Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Informed Decisions

Informed Decisions specialises in servicing local government across Australia and is accessible to the general public. Last viewed October 2014.

Migrant and Ethnicity

Migrant and Ethnicity, Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), last viewed October 2014.

Migration Ethnicity

Migration Australia, Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), last viewed October 2014.

The People of Australia

The People of Australia – Statistics from the 2011 Census, Department of Immigration and Citizenship 2014, last viewed October 2014

A Picture of the Nation

A Picture of the Nation: The Statisticians Report on the 2006 Census, Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), last viewed October 2014.

Settlement Reports 

Settlement Reports – Department of Social Services, last viewed October 2014, this software allows you to create individual profiles according to your needs,  sorted by geographical area, migration indicators, gender, date of settlement (data available since July 1996) etc., e.g. top ten languages spoken in the city of Whitehorse (VIC), last viewed October 2014.

Where Australia’s Immigrants are born

Where Australia’s Immigrants are Born, SBS interactive map, this map reveals the top three birthplaces for immigrants in suburbs and towns across Australia. You can also access a map revealing birthplaces excluding English and New Zealand immigrants. 




Population Diveristy in Local Councils in Victoria

Population Diversity in Local Councils in Victoria: 2011 Census is published by the Victorian Multicultural Commission and provides data on birthplace, language, ancestry, and religion at the Local Government level. It is an invaluable guide for local government planners, community organisations, researchers and those in the broader community concerned with designing and delivering services that are accessible and equitable. Last viewed October 2014. 

Profiles of Victorian Communities

Statistical information about social, health and economic outcomes for all Victorian localities. A collaboration between the City of Greater Dandenong and the Victorian Local Government Association (VLGA)

Statistic Data for Victorian Communities 

Statistic Data for Victorian Communities, City of Greater Dandenong, Victorian Local Government Association (VLGA), last viewed October 2014.

Victorian Mulitcultural Commission

Victorian Multicultural Commission (VMC), provides Census information, community fact sheets and profiles, population data in local governments, last viewed October 2014.




Diversity Among Older Australians in Capital Cities 

Diversity Among Older Australians in Capital Cities 1996-2011, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), last viewed October 2014.

Projections of Older Immigrants 1996-2026

Projections of Older Immigrants 1996-2026, Australia, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), last viewed October 2014.

Seniors from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds 

Seniors from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds, Demography of the 50 years plus Victorian Population, from the 2006 census, Municipal Association of Victoria, last viewed October 2014. 




Australia’s Health

Australia’s Health, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, last viewed October 2014. 

Community Indicators Victoria (CIV)

Community Indicators Victoria has been developed to present and report on the wellbeing of Victorians using an integrated set of community wellbeing indicators. These indicators refer to a broad range of measures designed to identify and communicate economic, social, environmental, democratic and cultural trends and outcomes.

Department of Health – local government area profiles

Department of Health, Victoria, Australia, 2012 Local government area profiles, last viewed October 2014.

Need more information? 

For a more comprehensive list including books and journal articles please search our library catalogue or contact Sabina Tresise, Information Services Coordinator, via phone: 03 9418 9925 or email:  


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