Are you a young person interested in health, gender identity, relationships, culture and discrimination? We need you!

1)     Are you from a migrant or refugee background, asylum seeker or international student?

2)     Are you part of the LGBTQI communities?

3)     Are you a young person (under 30 years of age)?

If you answered yes to these questions, then we are looking for you.

The Multicultural Health Support Service (MHSS) is looking for volunteers to become Youth Ambassadors to produce a special online ‘Zine’ (magazine).

The zine will provide a creative platform for LGBTQI young people to share their experiences in relation to health, gender identity, relationships, culture and discrimination.

As a Youth Ambassador you will receive support, education and training, but you will drive the creative process. You will be responsible for identifying the issues that matter to you.

The primary audience for this online resource will be other culturally diverse LGBTQI young people. It will also be distributed to the broader community to break down stereotypes, stimulate dialogue and promote community harmony.

If you have any questions, or you are interested, please contact:

Piergiorgio: Community Engagement and Project Officer Ph: 9418 9991

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