World Hepatitis Day: July 28th A day to learn about and support the eradication of Hepatitis

World Hepatitis Day takes places every year on 28 July and brings our community together to raise awareness of viral hepatitis and to influence real change. WHD unites patient organisations, governments, medical professionals, civil society, industry and the general public to boost the global profile of viral hepatitis.

Viral hepatitis is one of the leading causes of death globally, accounting for 1.34 million deaths per year. Together, hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C cause 80% of liver cancer cases in the world. Viral hepatitis is not found in one location nor amongst one set of people; it is a truly global epidemic that can affect millions of people without them even being aware.

What can I do?

Get involved in a range of activities  including sharing resources, holding an event or promoting the day on social media.

We’ll be hosting a BBQ on the 27th of July as part of the campaign, so please join us at 23 Lennox Street, Richmond 3121 at 12.30pm to have some food and discussion. 

Where can I learn more?

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