Transmission: Creative Health Promotion building Hepatitis C Awareness

About Transmission

Transmission is a creative partnership between culturally diverse young people, Vietnamese Australian prisoners, artists, community organisations and government. Its purpose is to increase understanding of hepatitis C by developing culturally and age appropriate health promotion products, including films accessible here. 

Each film has been developed for a specific target group and its content and ideas have been shaped by members of these groups. Community artists, musicians and animators have contributed to each film.

Overview of the films

You Don’t Wanna Mess With Me (4 min)
MC Hep C lets you in on his plans to get into your bloodstream and what he’s going to do when he gets there. This street art inspired animation takes you on a journey inside and outside the human body. Using a hip hop song written and performed by young men in custody, it presents key information about hepatitis C.

Together We Are Strong (6 min)
Made for prisoners by prisoners, this animated film travels from a remote Vietnamese village to the streets of Melbourne, into prison and out again. It combines vital health information with an evocative representation of Vietnamese culture.

Tattoo (2 min)
Every tattoo tells a tale in this short film created by culturally diverse young people living in public housing in inner city Melbourne.

LaLa Land (2 min)
Four young women are yanked out of ‘LaLa Land’ into the real world to learn the facts about hepatitis C transmission.



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