New glossaries released to help navigate the Victorian health system

Teach-back via an interpreter

The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health (CEH) has developed three glossaries, translated into seven languages, to help our community when they are seeking to use services in Victoria. The glossaries will be a resource for CEH and also be accessible in the Health Translations Directory.

They cover the most commonly used terms in the areas of:

Child, family and relationship services (link to resources)
Seeing a doctor specialist or health professional (link to resources)
Mental health services (link to resources)

The right side of the glossary sets out the phrase in English while the left side shows the translated phrase in one of the seven languages. 

These glossaries support the translated versions of newly released Victorian health system videos. They are written in simple English and are available in the following languages: Arabic, Assyrian, Dari, Farsi (Persian), Karen, Khmer and Vietnamese/

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