Meet our keynote speaker for the Health Translations 15 May event: Zione Walker-Nthenda

On Tuesday 15 May we will be celebrating Health Translations expansion into human services. The forum will be a chance to hear how translated, culturally appropriate information can improve access to the health system for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. We thought you might like to learn a bit more about our keynote speaker Zione Walker-Nthenda

Zione has worked as a lawyer for over 15 years working at the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, Women’s Legal Service Victoria, Victoria Police and now runs two social enterprises; Change Architects and Incubate Foundation.

As a solicitor, she has assisted thousands of people experiencing family violence and relationship breakdown.
Zione has experience in systemic and structural transformation and she has led many firsts including:

  1. As co-convenor of Women’s Legal Services Australia, she was involved in the most significant family law reforms to protect family violence victims.
  2. She developed the first cross-sector mentoring and legal training program for family violence lawyers in the community sector.
  3. As the human rights manager at Victoria Police, she developed the first human rights training package by police for police and a range of policies and resources to further embed human rights practice in the police force. Zione describes herself as a global citizen having been educated in England, Nigeria, Hong Kong, Russia, Japan and Australia. Ironically it is the experience of being an outsider that informs her work of social inclusion.

We look forward to hearing from her on Tuesday 15 of May



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