Everything you need to know about hepatitis is here.

Both hepatitis B and hepatitis C are a blood borne virus but there are some big differences between the two.

Here is a table, which shows the difference between hepatitis B and hepatitis C:

Hepatitis BHepatitis C
Is it a blood borne virus?YesYes
What other names does it have?HBVHCV
Are there symptoms?Sometimes


Is a Sexually Transmissible Infection (STI)?Yes, hepatitis B is spread through sexual fluidsNo, hepatitis C is not spread through sexual fluids. However, it may be spread through sex if there is blood to blood contact
Is there a vaccine?Yes, there is a vaccine for hepatitis B to give immunity to most people No, there is no vaccine available for hepatitis C
What is the progression of liver damage like?The progression of liver damage can happen very quickly The progression of liver damage is usually over decades
Is there a cure?There is no cure for hepatitis B but there is a treatment for hepatitis B that will prevent liver damage Hepatitis C drugs/medicines will cure most people
Can it be transmitted from mother to baby?Yes, transmission from mother to baby is very common.Unlikely
Can you get it more than once?NoRe-infection of hepatitis C can occur after cure if an individual is exposed to the hepatitis C virus again