Australia votes Yes to Marriage Equality

The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health (CEH) support, applauds and is ecstatic at the outcome of the postal survey that has returned a resounding “Yes” to marriage equality.

“We stand with our LGBTI community. At CEH, we’re celebrating this historic moment. But we also acknowledge the harm and hurt this process has caused.” Demos Krouskos, Director of the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health, said today.

North Richmond Community Health has been offering counselling for people distressed by the process and has firsthand experience in understanding the effect this vote has had on our community.

“We know there is still a long road ahead before equality is achieved. We will be there every step of the way to support our community.” Demos said.

The CEH stands against discrimination in all its forms and welcomes this step to strengthen our community and improve equity.

“Discrimination has real, tangible effects on people’s lives. We are thrilled to be one step closer to ending discrimination.” Demos said.

CEH looks forward to swift action from our parliament to ensure marriage equality becomes reality this year.

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