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Federal Election 2019

Federal Election 2019

The Federal Election is only five days away. Where does the Centre for Culture Ethnicity and Health stand? Download our election guide here.
5 Ways to Call Out Racism

5 Ways to Call Out Racism

Racism comes in many forms—openly as a racial slur, or subtly as a joke. Racism is any form of prejudice or discrimination against another due to the belief that one’s race, colour or ethnicity is superior. Whether conscious or unconscious, no form of racism is...
The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

In Australia, some call today Harmony Day.  No other nation across the world calls March 21st Harmony Day. Instead they choose to use the correct term, The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Calling the 21st of March ‘Harmony Day’...
MSHN Forum

MSHN Forum

On International Women’s Day, the Multicultural Sexual Health Network ran a forum focused on consent and current strategies to engage with people from multicultural communities. Guest speakers Jenny Walsh from Relationships and Sexuality Education, Cailin...
Afghan Community Tackles Gender Inequity with Poetry and Music

Afghan Community Tackles Gender Inequity with Poetry and Music

The Centre for Culture Ethnicity & Health partnered with the Afghan community to deliver an evening of poetry and music (mushaira) in celebration of International Women’s Day on Friday March the 8th. Using the traditional practice of imparting knowledge and...
MCAN Commences Preparation for Cultural Diversity Week

MCAN Commences Preparation for Cultural Diversity Week

Multicultural Community Action Network (MCAN) members have been making plans for Cultural Diversity Week. This year, Cultural Diversity Week will have the theme “Racism, Stigma and Discrimination in Health”. The week-long event will celebrate of the diversity of our...
Mental Health Commission Must Reflect Victoria’s Diversity

Mental Health Commission Must Reflect Victoria’s Diversity

Last year, the premier announced Labor would establish Australia’s first royal commission into Victoria’s mental health system if re-elected. Since Labor’s re-election, submissions to the commission have flooded in. CEH welcomes the commitment to a commission....