News from

CALD Cancer Screening Project – University of Melbourne

CALD Cancer Screening Project – University of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne, the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health, Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Heath and VCS Foundation are undertaking a project to understand how culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) groups engage in breast, bowel and cervical...
HT funding announcement

HT funding announcement

Health Translations is an online library where people can access high quality, consumer-focused translated materials on health and social services. With more than 22,000 resources in over 100 languages (including Auslan & Easy English), it brings together...
From “What’s the Problem?”  to “What’s Going Well”

From “What’s the Problem?” to “What’s Going Well”

Almost half of all Australians aged 16 to 85 years — 7.3 million people — will experience mental health issues at some point in their life. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to recognise that people are feeling worried, stressed and anxious in...
Health Literacy – Helping clients in COVID-19

Health Literacy – Helping clients in COVID-19

Community health organisation cohealth, has been using #health literacy frameworks and tools to make their services easier to use. As a not-for-profit community health and support service which strives to improve health and wellbeing for all, and lead the way in...
Understanding and working across cultures in the NDIS

Understanding and working across cultures in the NDIS

Supported by funding from the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, CEH’s Understanding the NDIS training for interpreters in Victoria was a two-year project that has just come to completion. More than 1,200 interpreters participated in the training...
Care and access for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds

Care and access for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds

In the Alcohol and other Drugs (AoD) Sector   This month, CEH’s Multicultural Drug & Alcohol Partnership (MDAP) conducted two training sessions for managers and workers in the Alcohol and other Drugs (AoD) sector around improving care and access for people from...
Cross-Cultural Communication In The Disability Sector

Cross-Cultural Communication In The Disability Sector

This resource has been moved into the CEH Resource Hub and can be accessed here. In partnership with the Summer Foundation, CEH has developed three training videos to support workers in the disability sector to communicate with people of cultural and linguistically...