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Unhealthy relationships and the Australian Health Care system

Unhealthy relationships and the Australian Health Care system

 CEH Community Education Session in Geelong  CEH’s Multicultural Health & Support Service delivered a very important community education session to the young people from Diversitat, also known as the Geelong Ethnic Communities Council, in Norlane – Geelong...
CEH wins 2019 Victorian Public Healthcare Award!

CEH wins 2019 Victorian Public Healthcare Award!

Women’s Health West, cohealth, Centre for Culture Ethnicity and Health, Maribyrnong City Council, Western English Language School Human relations education program for newly arrived young people. Human Relations is an innovative and unique five-week education program...
Let’s Drop the Jargon

Let’s Drop the Jargon

On Drop the Jargon Day!  Tuesday October 22 Many clients have trouble understanding and using information we give them.  They also struggle to understand and get around complicated systems like healthcare.  When we use jargon, technical terms or acronyms, more people...
CEH – Training Victorian interpreters to understand the NDIS

CEH – Training Victorian interpreters to understand the NDIS

The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity & Health (CEH) delivers capacity building and professional development training sessions for CALD communities and practitioners working in and with the disability service sector.  Through its’ Understanding the NDIS workshops,...
Al-taqwa sessions: STI Testing Week –Talk, Test, Treat

Al-taqwa sessions: STI Testing Week –Talk, Test, Treat

CEH’s Multicultural Community Action Network (M-CAN) celebrated Victorian STI Testing Week by conducting an interactive workshop for year 9 & 10 students at Al-Taqwa College, Truganina. The workshop encouraged conversations around STIs within a safe space for...
SPOKEN COMMUNICATION: We need to admit we have a problem

SPOKEN COMMUNICATION: We need to admit we have a problem

We’ve been planning a series of webinars to allow busy or remote workers and managers to access our current strategies on how to work better with migrants and refugees. On the 15th of August we ran the first sold-out webinar in the series, ‘5 steps to effective spoken...
Key Tip for Improving Your Communication

Key Tip for Improving Your Communication

I recently came across the acronym ELI. I know that acronyms are usually the enemy of good communication but I’m making an exception. ELI14 means Explain it like I’m 14 This is a very clear (and cute) way of explaining the level workers need to be pitching...