News from News

Connecting with communities using Health Literacy principles

Connecting with communities using Health Literacy principles

We recently caught up with Jean, a Health Promotion Coordinator at North Richmond Community Health and graduate of CEH’s Health Literacy Course. Jean knew that the residents of the North Richmond housing estate, who are the target group for her health promotion...
Co-design: what, why and how?

Co-design: what, why and how?

We all know that collaboration is an important step in engaging diverse communities in our services, particularly those that face certain barriers such as linguistic and cultural differences, lack of awareness of services, or limited access to information. So, how can...
The Arthur Kleinman Explanatory Model

The Arthur Kleinman Explanatory Model

Arthur Kleinman’s Eight Questions Understanding your client’s explanatory model helps you provide patient-centered care. The explanatory model includes the client’s beliefs about their illness, the personal and social meaning they attach to their disorder,...
Reflect and and reset for 2024

Reflect and and reset for 2024

Have you set your goals for 2024? Time is often the greatest barrier to reflection, so while the pace is a little slower as we enter the new year, it’s the perfect opportunity to reflect and set our goals for the months ahead. Without someone to guide us through...
Working with interpreters: troubleshooting and trust-building

Working with interpreters: troubleshooting and trust-building

When there are codes that dictate our behaviour and relationships with clients, building trust can be a delicate task. We know that trust is integral to effectively carrying out our work and are comfortable setting our own professional boundaries, but what happens...
A Skilled Way of Checking In

A Skilled Way of Checking In

I don’t usually write these blogs in the first person but this one is a little different. I was doing a workshop the other day – training people who work in important jobs. They were caseworkers and the intimate group of only 8 participants had some great...
Working with people from migrant and refugee backgrounds

Working with people from migrant and refugee backgrounds

  “How can I work better with people from migrant and refugee backgrounds?” This is a question that Mary, senior project officer at CEH, has been working on and which has led to the development of a number of resources and tools on cultural...
Assess your individual cultural competence

Assess your individual cultural competence

The Centre for Culture Ethnicity and Health (CEH) has developed the Cultural Competence Reflection Tool (CCRT). CCRT is an online resource that is designed to gauge individual workers’ cultural competence across several domains. The domains include: attitudes and...
Better Services with Trauma Informed Care

Better Services with Trauma Informed Care

  Meet Barb Williams, co-creator of CEH’s new eLearning.  Barb is a passionate Mental Health nurse and trauma informed care practitioner. She has worked in a variety of roles including the Medically Supervised Injecting Room. During Barb’s work in mental health...