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MSHN Forum

MSHN Forum

On International Women’s Day, the Multicultural Sexual Health Network ran a forum focused on consent and current strategies to engage with people from multicultural communities. Guest speakers Jenny Walsh from Relationships and Sexuality Education, Cailin...
Afghan Community Tackles Gender Inequity with Poetry and Music

Afghan Community Tackles Gender Inequity with Poetry and Music

The Centre for Culture Ethnicity & Health partnered with the Afghan community to deliver an evening of poetry and music (mushaira) in celebration of International Women’s Day on Friday March the 8th. Using the traditional practice of imparting knowledge and...
Mental Health Commission Must Reflect Victoria’s Diversity

Mental Health Commission Must Reflect Victoria’s Diversity

Last year, the premier announced Labor would establish Australia’s first royal commission into Victoria’s mental health system if re-elected. Since Labor’s re-election, submissions to the commission have flooded in. CEH welcomes the commitment to a commission....
More Support Needed for International Students’ Mental Health

More Support Needed for International Students’ Mental Health

We need to improve strategies to encourage international students to seek support for mental health, Coroner Audrey Jamieson recommended this week, after the inquest into the death of an international student in 2016. The Coroner’s investigation quoted research that...
Discrimination has Lasting Health Impacts

Discrimination has Lasting Health Impacts

Sunday’s rally in St Kilda is another example of the African Australian community being used as a political pawn in a larger debate about law and order and immigration when there is lots of research on the positive benefits of multiculturalism.   There is clear...
Xenophobia at Miss Universe Pageant?

Xenophobia at Miss Universe Pageant?

In a recent Facebook Live, Miss USA spoke about two other contestants in a way that suggested everyone should be able to speak English. Despite the fact that they were in Thailand at the time. “Miss Cambodia is here and doesn’t speak any English, and not a single...
Five important things we learnt at our World AIDS day Event

Five important things we learnt at our World AIDS day Event

For World AIDS Day, the Multicultural Community Action Network (MCAN) held a forum on 8 December 2018 to advocate, campaign and inform the community about new prevention, treatment and care strategies for HIV. Under the unifying theme ‘prevention for all’, migrants,...