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Reflection on World AIDS Day: HIV/AIDS still matters

Reflection on World AIDS Day: HIV/AIDS still matters

Reflection on World AIDS Day: HIV/AIDS still matters By Mabor Chadhuol World AIDS Day marks a special day of reflection, compassion and unity in the fight against HIV/AIDS around the World. The first ever-global health day has been celebrated on December 1 for more...
Australia votes Yes to Marriage Equality

Australia votes Yes to Marriage Equality

Australia votes Yes to Marriage Equality The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health (CEH) support, applauds and is ecstatic at the outcome of the postal survey that has returned a resounding “Yes” to marriage equality. “We stand with our LGBTI community. At CEH,...
Drop the Jargon Day on ABC Radio & The Age

Drop the Jargon Day on ABC Radio & The Age

Drop the Jargon Day is a day for professionals in Australian health, community services and local government to use plain language. This year it took place on October 24. Centre for Culture Ethnicity and Health (CEH) Co-manager Bernice Murphy and Training Coordinator...
Celebrating Drop the Jargon Day

Celebrating Drop the Jargon Day

Drop the Jargon day is today October 24th. It is a day for professionals in Australian health, community services and local government to use plain language. All over Australia, people from organisations like Diabetes Victoria and Health Care Consumers Association...
Health Translations Directory’s resources are expanding

Health Translations Directory’s resources are expanding

Access to accurate information is crucial for making informed decisions about our health and wellbeing. It is also critical in helping us to understand what resources are available, how to find and use the services we need and in understanding our rights and...
The Health Translations Directory expands into housing

The Health Translations Directory expands into housing

With 30% of homeless Australians born overseas, data tells us that a lack of information and support makes CALD communities much more vulnerable to experiencing problems associated with housing including legal issues and homelessness. Access to accurate information is...