News from News

Cultural Competence in Sexual Health

Cultural Competence in Sexual Health

Kanwal Saleem (pictured), of CEH’s Multicultural Health & Support Service, recently spoke about ‘Cultural Competence in Sexual Health Care’ and its importance for people from migrant and refugee backgrounds as part of the Learn over Lunch (LoL)...
Long COVID in CALD Communities

Long COVID in CALD Communities

Image: Long COVID Project Officer, Ambereen Farouque. Have you heard of Long COVID? In countries that have experienced high numbers of COVID-19 infections, these post-COVID symptoms, that can last for months after the initial infection, are becoming a public health...
Vaccine Voices

Vaccine Voices

Image: L-R; Vaccine Voices Advisers Simin Tuncer, Turkish, Albanian, Bosnian communities; Mukhtar Mohammed, Arabic-speaking communities; Mohammad Daud Karimi, Afghan community. CEH is one of three agencies involved in a new state-wide project aimed at encouraging...
World Hepatitis Day 2021

World Hepatitis Day 2021

Did you know that nine out of ten people living with hepatitis globally don’t know they have it? Wednesday 28 July 2021 marks World Hepatitis Day (WHD). WHD is acknowledged each year to bring the world together to raise awareness of the global burden of viral...
Get your Jab! Videos in 20 languages

Get your Jab! Videos in 20 languages

““I am getting vaccinated against COVID-19 to protect myself and my loved ones”, Mabior Mabior tells the camera in his native Dinka tongue. He’s one of a group of 60 volunteers from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities who have been...
Refugee Week 2021 – Celebrating Unity in Diversity

Refugee Week 2021 – Celebrating Unity in Diversity

“Refugee Week is an important time as it encourages us all to reflect on the conflicts that drive people from their home and become refugees or displaced persons in their own countries. It also gives us time to recognise and acknowledge the significant...
Helping AoD workers work better with migrant & refugee clients

Helping AoD workers work better with migrant & refugee clients

Have you ever had a meeting with a client from a migrant or refugee background that didn’t go well and you’re not sure why? The Multicultural Drug & Alcohol Partnership (MDAP) works specifically with the South Sudanese community in Yarra to discuss concerns...
Peer Education – What Works and Why?

Peer Education – What Works and Why?

The Multicultural Health and Support Service (MHSS) has been running a Peer Education program for almost a decade with diverse communities including: Indian, Filipino, Thai Chinese, South Sudanese, Vietnamese, Ethiopian, Karen (from Myanmar) and Liberian. The peer...