Drop the Jargon Day on ABC Radio & The Age

Drop the Jargon Day is a day for professionals in Australian health, community services and local government to use plain language. This year it took place on October 24.

Centre for Culture Ethnicity and Health (CEH) Co-manager Bernice Murphy and Training Coordinator Jolyon Burford had a a wide-ranging and informative discussion with The Age about Drop the Jargon day yesterday. The interview gives some good practical tips and resources on dropping jargon in the workplace. You can access the article here. 

Matt Loads from the CEH also hit the airwaves today to talk about Drop the Jargon Day.

In the morning he appeared on ABC Radio Central Victoria to talk about how the day started in 2014 and gave practical tips about eliminating jargon in the workplace (listen below). Towards noon he spoke on ABC Radio Canberra on how dropping the jargon is important for the government sector and how being prepared to ask questions in an environment that relies on jargon is a good way to improve understanding. You can listen to that interview below, also.

Both interviews provided an enjoyable conversation that illustrated how important it is to communicate in a plain, simple way in the workplace.

ABC Radio Central Victoria

ABC Radio Canberra

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