We offer a range of services and resources for health, community services and local government professionals as well as community members.

Our newest Cultural Competence Training course is;

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ceh training


Our professional development workshops are specifically designed to improve the way in which you work with people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.
Browse training

ceh multiculture health

Multicultural Health and Support Service

We aim to prevent HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections in refugee and migrant communities, asylum seekers and mobile populations.
Learn more

ceh knowladege hub

Knowledge Hub

Here you will find resources on cultural competence, health literacy, language services and sexual health.
Browse our resources

ceh research


Our research is working towards building an evidence-base to support cultural competence, health literacy, and consumer participation.
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ceh cultural consultancy

Cultural Consultancy

We can work with your organisation on projects, resource-development, social marketing, research – anything which requires our expert knowledge of how to engage with refugee and migrant communities.
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Project Management

We manage the Health Translations Directory on behalf of the Department of Health & Human Services

The Health Translations Directory aims to improve the health of people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.  We do this by providing health professionals and community members with reliable, accurate, and up to date health information in many different languages.

We have managed the site, on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services, since 2014. Since then we have partnered with many high profile organisations to increase the availability of content. We ensure the topics and languages represented are relevant. Every day hundreds of health professionals and people from our community access the site across Victoria, Australia and all around the world. 

Read more about Health Translations Directory

Cultural Competence

Cultural competence is our expertise

We can help you become more culturally competent through:

  • our training programs
  • cultural competence audit
  • cultural competence resources

Read more about Cultural Competence

Health Literacy

We focus on health literacy

We offer training, consultancy and resources to improve the health literacy of people in Australia. Our services include:

  • health literacy course
  • health literacy workshops
  • health literacy resources

Read more about Health Literacy

Sexual Health & blood-borne viruses

We are experienced in sexual health and blood-borne viruses

We focus on sexual health and blood-borne viruses in the Multicultural Health and Support Service:

  • Multicultural Sexual Health Network Forum
  • Multicultural Community Action Network
  • Youth Ambassadors Program

Read more about the Multicultural Health and Support Service

Recent Work

Connecting with communities using Health Literacy principles

Connecting with communities using Health Literacy principles

Plain language is essential for effective communication. When health information is presented in plain language, it is easier for people to understand. This is particularly important when dealing with diverse communities where English may not be the first language for many residents.

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Co-design: what, why and how?

Co-design: what, why and how?

We know that collaboration is an important step in engaging diverse communities in services, particularly those that face certain barriers such as linguistic and cultural differences, lack of awareness of services, and limited access to information. So, how can we collaborate with these communities? Read on for our thoughts.

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The Arthur Kleinman Explanatory Model

The Arthur Kleinman Explanatory Model

This model was first proposed by Arthur Kleinman, who developed a set of eight questions to ask a client to learn more about their explanatory model to provide better patient-centered care.

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Upcoming Events

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Connecting with communities using Health Literacy principles

Connecting with communities using Health Literacy principles

Plain language is essential for effective communication. When health information is presented in plain language, it is easier for people to understand. This is particularly important when dealing with diverse communities where English may not be the first language for many residents.

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Co-design: what, why and how?

Co-design: what, why and how?

We know that collaboration is an important step in engaging diverse communities in services, particularly those that face certain barriers such as linguistic and cultural differences, lack of awareness of services, and limited access to information. So, how can we collaborate with these communities? Read on for our thoughts.

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The Arthur Kleinman Explanatory Model

The Arthur Kleinman Explanatory Model

This model was first proposed by Arthur Kleinman, who developed a set of eight questions to ask a client to learn more about their explanatory model to provide better patient-centered care.

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