Multicultural Health and Support Service – Annual Report 2014 – 2015

Multicultural Health & Support Service 2014-2015

BBV/STI health promotion annual report

The Multicultural Health & Support Service (MHSS) is a program of the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health (CEH). We work with refugees, asylum seekers, migrants and mobile populations in metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria to prevent new incidences and transmission of blood borne viruses (BBV) and sexually transmissible infections (STI).

MHSS collaborates with priority communities to improve their access to information, testing, care and support. MHSS also works with service providers to build capacity in designing and implementing culturally competent and inclusive services that provide relevant care and support to refugee and migrant communities.


To prevent new incidences and transmission of BBV/STI in refugee, asylum seeker and migrant communities, and mobile populations.


We have two objectives which drive our work.

1. To increase BBV/ STI knowledge, uptake of harm minimisation strategies screening, testing, treatment and use of relevant care and support services by culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) community members.

2. To increase responsiveness and service coordination in relation to BBV/STI prevention and transmission in refugee and migrant communities.

Learn more about us – 

Download .pdf of Multicultural Health and Support Service Annual Report 2014 – 2015

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