New campaign launched to encourage health testing in refugee and migrant communities

“I’m happy, I know my status. Get tested today.”

‘I’m happy, I know my status’ is a community-led campaign launched on Monday 1 August 2016.

The campaign aims to raise awareness around testing for blood borne viruses, through a series of online video stories. The videos show members of our diverse community in day-to-day situations talking about the peace of mind of knowing their status.

The campaign aims to reduce stigma by showing everyday members of the community, active in their regular lives and highlights their view that testing is a natural part of their experiences.

This campaign was developed by young people and community members from all over Melbourne who are part of the Multicultural Community Action Network (M-CAN).

Follow the campaign:

Watch all the campaign videos via our YouTube Channel

For more information

If you’d like to know more, or if you would like to get involved in this campaign, please contact M-CAN Coordinator, Mabor Chadhuol via email or call 03 9418 9917.

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