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World Refugee Day

World Refugee Day

Today is World Refugee Day. At CEH, we fight to let them stay. We fight to eliminate barriers, like cultural beliefs and stigma, which can prevent refugees from accessing the health services they require. We fight for a healthy, safe, equitable society. You might...

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Migrant with Hepatitis B Denied Australian Residency

Migrant with Hepatitis B Denied Australian Residency

A hand-working teacher and family man, who has been living in Sydney for seven years, was told he failed Australia’s visa health requirement despite his hepatitis B medication costing just “a dollar a day”. Hepatitis B is a virus that Paul* likely inherited from his...

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CEH Empowers Women with Sexual Health Education

CEH Empowers Women with Sexual Health Education

Through CEH’s sexual health education sessions, the students at WELS learn about contraception, hygiene, sexually transmissible infections and more. CEH delivers these sessions in partnership with Womens Health West and Maribyrnong City Council.

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CEH stands with the LGBTQIA+ community

CEH stands with the LGBTQIA+ community

Today is the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Across the world, people are increasingly forced to flee their homes because they are persecuted for who they are and who they love. Brunei is an example of a country where people are vilified because of their sexual orientation.

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Federal Election 2019

Federal Election 2019

The Federal Election is only five days away. Where does the Centre for Culture Ethnicity and Health stand? Download our election guide here.

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5 Ways to Call Out Racism

5 Ways to Call Out Racism

Racism is any form of prejudice or discrimination against another due to the belief that one’s race, colour or ethnicity is superior. Whether conscious or unconscious, no form of racism is acceptable. 5 types of racism and how to call it out.

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MSHN Forum

MSHN Forum

On International Women's Day, the Multicultural Sexual Health Network ran a forum focused on consent and current strategies to engage with people from multicultural communities. Guest speakers Jenny Walsh from Relationships and...

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