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There’s much more to ‘Harmony Day’ than it appears

There’s much more to ‘Harmony Day’ than it appears

In March we celebrated Harmony Day in Australia. Harmony Day is an attempt to acknowledge the contributions of multicultural communities to Australian society. It is celebrated with many community festivals and local events with global food and music and traditional dress. So what’s the problem? One day alone, (or week) to come together to indulge our senses, does little more than placate individual and well-connected ethnic communities.

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Hope talks about our Youth Ambassador program

Hope talks about our Youth Ambassador program

Hope tells us about why its important to with young people in the areas of sexual health. She explains the 'zine' project and how it helps explores issues around sexual health, sexuality, identity and relationships. Related Information Let us inform you about our...

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Looking for bicultural workers to participate in a project

Looking for bicultural workers to participate in a project

The Victorian Refugee Health Network is conducting a project, with support from the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health, which aims to build the skills of people employed in bicultural roles to consult with refugee background communities about their health priorities and experiences of using health services.

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The Sexy Times – a sexual health and identity zine

The Sexy Times – a sexual health and identity zine

This project brought young people together to collaboratively create a zine that reflected issues which were important to them. This included messages around positive body image, fighting gender-based violence, and prevention of blood-borne viruses and sexually transmissible infections… and much more.

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Health Translations Directory

Health Translations Directory

We are managing and improving the Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Translations Directory. This project involves working with organisations who have contributed their resources, reviewing the functionality and design of the site, and developing new multilingual health resources.

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