
We offer a range of services and resources for health, community services and local government professionals as well as community members. 3 Our newest Cultural Competence Training course is; _ Learn More   Training Our professional development workshops are...


Training Programs to improve health outcomes for migrants & refugees We offer practical and specialist training to assist your organisation, your staff and your systems to be more responsive to clients from migrant and refugee backgrounds View Available Training...


Improving the health and well being of people from refugee and migrant backgrounds 3 Stay up to date with CEH News  Scroll down for the latest news  Click on monthly newsletter  Subscribe to our Newsletter Coronavirus (COVID-19) Multilingual Resources &...
Better Services with Trauma-Informed Care

Better Services with Trauma-Informed Care

In our community, approximately one in five people have experienced trauma that hinders their ability to access and benefit from necessary care and services. This is particularly true for refugees, who have often faced traumatic events such as war, violence,...
Avoiding harmful stereotypes

Avoiding harmful stereotypes

You meet Yusif, a friendly African guy. Your mind immediately jumps to the stereotype that most Africans in Australia are refugees. You start assuming that Yusif has spent his life in a refugee camp and lacked education. Taking it a step further, you assume he can’t...

Connect with CALD communities

Connect with CALD communities Ethno-Specific | Multicultural | Mainstream Ethno-specific Ethno-specific organisations, networks, community leaders and bilingual workers can provide strong links to CALD communities. Ethno-specific agencies, in particular, provide...
What Makes My Work as a Facilitator Meaningful?

What Makes My Work as a Facilitator Meaningful?

What Makes My Work as a Facilitator Meaningful? By Eman Al-Dasuqi. Most of us want a rewarding work experience. Especially when we spend most of our waking life working! So, what makes work meaningful? I‘ve been asking myself this question ever since I was a young...

Hospitals and Translations Project

Hospitals and Translations CEH was contracted by DHHS to deliver this two year project (2018-2020). CEH conducted consultations with hospital staff and patients in Victorian hospitals to identify challenges and enablers to producing and distributing patient...