better health outcomes

for refugees & migrant communities

We are leaders in developing an evidence-base to support cultural
competence, health literacy
and consumer participation.
Our research contributes to better health outcomes for refugee and migrant communities

What We Do

We have a 21 year track record of working with researchers to develop responsive services and support the health and social service workforce.


We aim to contribute to the body of knowledge on cultural competence, health literacy and consumer participation. We will also distribute promising practices for improving cultural competence in health and social services.


Victoria’s cultural diversity is growing


More than 45% of Victorians were either born overseas or have at least one parent born overseas. The more diverse we become, the more our health services need to change to respond to this diversity. To help the health system respond to diversity, there needs to be substantial evidence around best ways to engage with people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.


centre for culture, ethnicity & health

We are hosting a series of seminars to lead public discussion in areas of multiculturalism and health

We are running a series of three seminars to provide a platform for scholars, practitioners, community partners, and policymakers to share ideas, knowledge and experience about migration, settlement, multiculturalism and cultural competence. To get notified about our next seminar please subscribe to our newsletter using the form at the bottom of this page.

Research News

Connecting with communities using Health Literacy principles

Connecting with communities using Health Literacy principles

Plain language is essential for effective communication. When health information is presented in plain language, it is easier for people to understand. This is particularly important when dealing with diverse communities where English may not be the first language for many residents.

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Co-design: what, why and how?

Co-design: what, why and how?

We know that collaboration is an important step in engaging diverse communities in services, particularly those that face certain barriers such as linguistic and cultural differences, lack of awareness of services, and limited access to information. So, how can we collaborate with these communities? Read on for our thoughts.

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