Resources in Health

Project .05

Project .05 commenced in April 2022 and will conclude in June 2023. It aims to work in partnership with young people of African backgrounds in the City of Yarra to tackle excessive drinking. Funded by VicHealth, CEH collaborated with the City of Yarra and contracted...

The African Women Media Project

These resources were created by the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health (CEH) and a group of women from the City of Yarra to raise understanding of health & well-being issues of interest to their communities. The women raised concerns about children’s asthma,...

Glossary of terms – Accessing mental health services

This document is available in English as well as in languages other than English. Links to the English and multilingual resources can be accessed further below. To download information click on the selected language. This will take you directly to the resource. The...

Glossary of terms – Child, family and relationship services

This document is available in English as well as in languages other than English. Links to the English and multilingual resources can be accessed further below. To download information click on the selected language. This will take you directly to the resource. The...

Multilingual First Aid Resource

CEH has produced a first aid resource in plain English and Arabic, based on St John’s Ambulance DRSABCD Action Plan. CEH worked with community members and a graphic designer to adapt the language and images of the St John’s first aid message for Arabic readers. This...

Building culturally inclusive social support groups – Help Sheets

Opening English-speaking Social Support Groups (SSG) to people with no or low English proficiency can be challenging, and staff and volunteers may find themselves at a loss when trying to ensure participants feel welcome and included. Language specific SSG will always...

Contraception for women – multilingual resources

Every woman has a right to plan her family and choose the right time to have children. Contraception is also known as birth control. It includes any behavior, device, medication, or procedure used to prevent pregnancy.  This factsheet gives an overview of the...

Catch-up vaccinations for refugees and asylum seekers in Victoria

This resource was designed for refugee and migrant communities in Victoria about catch-up vaccinations It was developed in consultation with the community and was tested with the community. What are catch-up vaccinations? Vaccinations (vaccine injections) are...