Resources in sexual health

BBV and STI anti-Stigma and Discrimination – Tool Kit

This resource was inspired by previous projects in the field of stigma, discrimination and rights in the area of Blood Borne Viruses (BBVs) and Sexually Transmitted Illnesses (STIs). These series of pictures have been designed to help educators and trainers facilitate...
Hepatitis and Covid-19

Hepatitis and Covid-19

Hepatitis and COVID-19 – Medications – English language Hepatitis and COVID-19 – Testing – English language Hepatitis and COVID-19 – Vaccinations – English language Hepatitis and COVID-19 – Medications – Chinese language...
Anti Viral – Covid Safer Comics

Anti Viral – Covid Safer Comics

Anti Viral – Covid Safer Resources CEH’s Multicultural Health & Support Service (MHSS) has developed co-designed resources focusing on young people during the COVID-19 pandemic. This project was enabled by additional funding from the DHHS, our partnership...