Resources in Translations

Checking existing translations

If you are using existing translated materials, you need to first check whether the content and meaning of the resource is what you are after. Here are some steps to guide you through how to check existing translations. Step 1: Consult with the original producer of...

How to test your translation with the community

It is important to check your translated resource with the community. You can do this by running a focus group or consulting with key informers.  This will help you find out if any particular words or expressions in the translated resource do not sound natural or are...

6 steps to an effective translation

1. Take time to consider which languages to select for translations. Consider which community group will most benefit from your resource, and which communities have a low rate of English proficiency. To find out information on new arrivals in the last five years,...

Reviewing existing translations – checklist

Using existing translated materials may save you time and money, however to use them successfully it is essential that you review and focus test the materials to make sure they are going to have the effect you are hoping for.   Step 1: Consult with the original...